Event 3.jpg

 -4 lifts
-lift every 3 minutes
-20 sec window to lift

Duration : 12:00

Event starts: At the barbell

Event finishes: At the barbell

Movement Standard


The barbell begins on the ground and must be lifted overhead in one motion. Power, squat and split snatches are all permitted, but in each instance the athlete’s feet must be brought back in line. The bar can be dropped from overhead. If a barbell is dropped, the barbell must settle on the ground before the athlete attempts another repetition. The rep is credited when the barbell is at full lockout overhead, with the hips, knees and arms fully extended, and the bar directly over or slightly behind the middle of the body with the feet in line.


Each athlete gets 4 lifts. They can choose their starting weight. Once the athlete gets the signal to start, they have 20 seconds to complete the lift. Multiple attempts are permitted within the 20 sec window. The athlete can choose to reattempt or to increase their weight each round. The athlete may not reduce the weight on the bar.

Score: Heaviest weight successfully lifted